It is difficult to know what actions are advisable to take when you don’t have something to reference, other than an investment statement showing only the current value and recent transactions of an investment portfolio.
We produce Quarterly Portfolio Reports detailing investment results for the most recent 12 month period.
A Quarterly Portfolio Reports give you and us the ability to review your results in comparison with your goals. Without data, clients and their advisers are left to their own emotions in making decisions about their investments.
Your Quarterly Portfolio Report shows how much of the total return has come from the income distributions, including all dividends and interest payments. Knowing how much income your portfolio is generating helps us with creating Cash Flow Planning, Tax-Advantaged Planning, and Retirement Planning.
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Please print and complete the Financial Planning Checklist and bring it to your first appointment.
Click the button below to use our online calendar to schedule a consultation with Wake Wealth Management Co. or call 919-570-3300 with questions. You can also request a free introductory packet at the bottom of this page.
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